
Accumulate merit for father and inspire good thoughts

Published on 21/01/2022 16:17 | News Archive – 2022

In July 2021, the pandemic situation in Kedah was critical. Lim Eng Kee, who worked in other states had not returned home for half a year, hence, applied to cross-state to return home because he missed his parents. Unfortunately, a few days after he returned home he was diagnosed with COVID-19, which led to his elderly parents being infected. Finally, his father's condition deteriorated and died, which made him feel extremely sad and blame himself. It's a pity for the whole family that they can't say good-bye to their father, but fortunately, the Tzu Chi COVID Spiritual and Medical Care Group stood by and accompanied them through this difficult time. Lim finally decided to donate all the funeral collection to the Kedah Branch to comfort his father's soul.

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