Saving a handful of rice a day Benefit self and others create spiritual abundance
Published on 08/11/2023 13:15 | [News] Nepal
Saving a handful of rice a day Benefit self and others create spiritual abundance
Since December 2022, Tzu Chi volunteers started visiting Siddhartha Primary School in Lumbini. In March this year, “Bring Home A Rice Bank” campaign was held for the first time. Great responses were received from the teachers, students and parents. Hence, the second “Bring Home A Rice Bank” campaign is held again due to the great responses from the past campaign. In addition to collecting more rice bank this time, there were also parents who were kind enough to include some money in the rice bank. Everyone did a good deed, spreading kindness in Buddha’s hometown.
#SiddharthaPrimarySchool #BringHomeARiceBank #gooddeed