Tzu Chi 'Betterment Project' - Srijana Kahar
Published on 14/11/2023 11:05 | [News] Nepal
Tzu Chi 'Betterment Project' - Srijana Kahar
An 11-year-old girl, Srijana Kahar, left a strong impression on the volunteers last winter. She was shivering in her school uniform, which hadn't dried properly yet. Srijana has been dependent on her elderly grandparents since she was young. After a home visit to understand the situation, the volunteers immediately started assisting and continued to care for her.
The leaking house caught in an overnight rain, the Tzu Chi 'Betterment Project' team did more than just repair the kitchen roof for Srijana Kahar’s family. They also offered her grandfather, Pyare, a job opportunity. This gave him a way to earn a living through his efforts and Tzu Chi volunteers were deeply touched by his dedication. The heartfelt desire of this care recipient to change his family's fate gives a special meaning to the 'Betterment Project'.