Screening of "Stories Told by Master": Unveiling the Volunteer Recruitment Programme
Published on 21/06/2024 16:36 | [News] Nepal
Screening of "Stories Told by Master":
Unveiling the Volunteer Recruitment Programme
Tzu Chi has been promoting its mission in Lumbini, Nepal since April 2022. In addition to alleviating poverty and addressing the lack of medical resources, they have also initiated a volunteer recruitment programme. Tzu Chi volunteers have recently been conducting daily outreach activities at the Gyan Prabha Basic School, reaching out to four nearby villages. They invite villagers to participate and convey Tzu Chi's spiritual values step by step through activities such as watching "Stories Told by Master" and sign language performances. They hope to guide the villagers to become a part of Tzu Chi, fostering the growth of their lives and wisdom.